I celebrated my 30th birthday a few weeks ago. Leading up to the day, everyone asked how I felt about turning 30. While every once in a while, I got a little depressed, I really, honestly, didn't have much time to think about it. My days are mostly consumed with trying to get housework done in between naps, contemplating Zoe's schedule, trying to remember if she pooped yet for the day, etc. Life definitely isn't about "me" anymore (which for the record, I wouldn't change one bit).
For the most part, I'm totally ok with being 30. I have the best husband. I have amazing friends. My family is awesome. And I have the cutest little 3.5 month old anyone could ask for. Looking back, my 20s were pretty amazing. Zoe made the last year absolutely perfect :) I can't wait to see what my 30s have to offer. Just watching my little goose grow up will be awesome enough, and I'm sure there will be tons of other great stuff added in.
We decided to head to my parents the actual weekend of my birthday. We got to see family at my cousin's baby shower and Zoe FINALLY got to meet my good friend Kate. My mom made a delicious dinner for us and my in laws. Sunday, my mom and I got some girl time without Zoe while Aaron brought her over to his parents. This past weekend, my parents were nice enough to head our way to watch Zoe while Aaron and I went out for a birthday date. It's funny how by the end of the week, I need a tiny break. Don't get me wrong, I love this little girl to pieces, but being the only one here all day every day does take it's toll sometimes. Then I go out sans baby for just a few hours and miss her like crazy - as in I really wanted to sneak in her room when we got home and just stare at her for a little while because I missed her cuteness. I was really wishing for a baby monitor at that point so I could spy on her. I have no idea how I'm going to deal with getting an actual babysitter that I'm not related to...I'll cross that emotional bridge when we get to it :)
I decided to change up my usual b-day desert and went with ice cream cake...I was so mad when I forgot to have another piece on Sunday before we left. It was so good! |
Me and my little goose. |
Beeba requested a pic together since their "colors" matched. She was really ready for her nap hence the dazed look. |
No matter what the picture is for, Grandpa doesn't really like being photographed. I think my wedding pictures are some of the only ones he actually smiled at the camera :) |
Thanks again Beeba and Grandpa! It was nice to have a date night and know that Zoe was in good hands...even if you didn't follow my instructions 100% ;)