People have been so kind and generous throughout this pregnancy. The gift cards, shopping trips, cards, etc. have meant to so much and have been well used. And it's so nice to know how excited friends and family are. We are obviously beyond excited, but it's nice to have that reassurance that Baby T will be well loved by many :)
Yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised at what we received. Our neighbor who is due at the beginning of August and is my size, gave me a pair of pants and two sweaters to borrow from Old Navy since we are now in the summer months and she doesn't need them anymore (she figured I can use them in the fall). And one of Aaron's coworkers randomly gave us her Baby Bjorn for free. It doesn't even look used, and we were very excited! There is one other baby carrier we want to register for (the weight limit is higher, you can wear the baby on your back, etc.), but this was definitely a nice surprise and much appreciated :)
What a great Monday!
That was very nice by all. I can see I am way out of the baby loop on new items...I will have to look up what a "Baby Bjorn" is...hopefully I can remember all these new terms. Enjoy this time..Beeba/Mom