Maybe you'll start smiling again in your 9 month photo :) |
Stats: Not sure. We don't go again until your 9 month well visit.
Likes: Eating. White noise CD. Bath time. Momma Sofie. Miss Bear and Lambie. You also love your hands. Still anything you can get your hands on. You are still very, very grabby this month. Sleeping on your tummy. Walks in your stroller. You LOVE when people jump at you. Your pool!
Dislikes: Getting ready for bed. Having your nose wiped. Getting dressed.
Biggest Achievement This Month: Dropping a bottle and eating more solids.
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Sleeping at day care. Will this ever change?
Secret Tricks: Laying you down on your belly with a few pats. Picking you up and standing always seems to solve crankiness. You also love walks in your stroller.
Sleep: You still take your last bottle at 7:30pm and are down by 8pm at the latest. You are then down for the night until about 7am. Some days you wake up a little earlier at 6:30 am and some days on the weekends you sleep until 7:30 am. Your naps at daycare are about 40 minutes in length. At home, you nap much better and they last at least an hour. You've started to drop your third nap pretty much 100%. You haven't napped on the drive home from daycare in a while. On the weekends, we can still sometimes get you to go down depending on how your other 2 naps were. But they say the third nap goes away at 6-9 months so we are pretty much there. This will greatly free up our weekend evenings!!
Temperament/Personality: Your temperament this month is hit or miss. Some days you are super happy all day. Then the next you are super crabby all day. Or you are really happy until it's time to eat, then you get fussy half way through eating and are fine once we hold you. A "wonder week" is coming up though for you, so I'm guessing that might be part of what's been happening these past few days. You also have two, new teeth getting ready to pop through (your other bottom tooth and one of your top teeth). But man can you be a drama queen :) I saw that with the utmost love! You now hate being put in your car seat, your booster, the stroller, the bike trailer, etc. So completely straighten your body, lock yourself in position, and will NOT bend your legs. I feel like I'm killing you just to get you into the proper position. You are perfectly fine once you are in, but those few seconds seem like hours trying to get you in.
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This totally captures 8 months for Zoe. She NEVER sits still!!! |
Our little drama queen!! :) |
Even with your fussy moments, you still crack us up. You've started to throw your head back when you want to play and be tipped upside down. You grab onto Miss Bear and Lambie as if your life depends on them (it's so cute to see you show love to them even if they are just stuffed toys).
Eating: Down to 4 bottles. You're now taking about 6 oz for each of your bottles. Depending on how well you do with solids at dinner, I sometimes give you 8 oz. before bed. Right now your schedule is bottle when wake up, solids at 8am (breakfast), solids at 11 am (lunch), bottle around noon or 1pm, bottle around 4pm, solids at 6ish pm (dinner), bottle before bed.
Fruit is still your go to. I've started mixing some of your veggies (the green ones) with some fruit which has helped you eat them a little more.
We started giving you finger foods here and there. I gave you avocado to start with. I should have recorded that one. Your face was beet red and you looked like you were going to spew everything you had previously eaten. I think it was the texture of having something other than puree in your mouth :) Since then, you'll take a few bites of watermelon and you'll try to eat your puffs. You're still trying to master your pincer grasp. You're getting there though!
Randoms: A mix of 6 and 9 month clothes. Mostly all 9 months. You are in size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 at night.
I spy Zoe's tongue!! :) |
Milestones: Sitting on your own with no problems. You can get from sitting to your belly. You can now crawl as well. Just one week ago, you could kind of inch forward and now you are full out army crawl.
You can pull yourself up for the most part. We were just saying how we needed to move your mattress down. Then I had you in your crib while I was getting your laundry together, and I turned around, and they you were. Standing! Stinker :) We moved your mattress down immediately.
Teeth! Your first tooth popped through quite a while ago (bottom). It's not all the way up, but it's deifnintely above the surface. It looks like your other bottom tooth might make it's appearance soon and your top gums are getting whitish as well. So far (knock on wood), you aren't too cranky, and it hasn't affected your sleep.