Zoe attended her FIRST Tigers game this year. Beeba is OBSESSED with the Tigers (that might be an understatement) so they of course had to make sure to be there for the big day :)
Zoe had her first snack before mommy even got her nachos! |
It was the last home game of the season so only standing room tickets were available. It ended up being perfect for Zoe. She could stand and play when she got sick of being held. We could walk around at anytime without having to make people get up out of their seats for us. She could stroll around in her stroller when she needed a nap and we could leave her there once she finally fell asleep.
I'm a little bummed that we didn't get a picture of all of us at the front of the stadium by the Tigers statue, but I'm sure there will be many more Tigers games in her future. We'll just have to make sure that Beeba and Grandpa come out earlier in the season next year!
What dad? I'm just standing here playing with my toys. |
FINALLY taking her afternoon nap. |
Our lives have been so busy this summer the Tigers games just got away from us....not next year!!! We will plan a little better and get there sooner in the season. Maybe even a couple games!!! It was fun thought and standing room only was a good idea so the little princess couple wander around. Zoe will be a true Tigers fan though...