(Written on time…posted way late!) 20 WEEKS! Halfway...that's just so crazy to me.
I think I'm up about 10 or 11 lbs. The bump is definitely there. Generally, it's not in the way yet, but I noticed painting my toe nails is getting a little harder. Zoe LOVES to help me put my shoes on...if only I could teach her to paint my toe nails too :) Still feeling like I don't look too huge. I've noticed that my legs are getting to the not nearly as toned as they were point. But I know from past experience, that I can't worry too much. It is what it is at this point, and I'll do what I can workout-wise. Knock on wood, they should go back to normal within a few weeks of delivery. My ankles are looking a little bigger at the end of the day, so I'm wondering if some of it is water retention.
We had our big appointment this week! And.....it's a BOY!!!! So whether or not we go for #3, we have one of each. Our perfect little family...so cheesy but it's how I feel :) It might be because we already have had a girl and have history on the ultra sound, but it was so obvious to both of us that it was a boy. She waited until the end to tell us, but we both saw the goods well before she said anything. Definitely no mistaking it. Everything looks great though. No worries. Heart rate is in the 150s. He's measuring about 12 oz. and right on track.
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This profile looks awfully familiar :) |
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Ummm…please stop taking pictures of me and trying to make me move. I'm sleeping! |
Now I just need to figure out what to do with a few of the nursery items, get clothes and oh yeah, come up with a name ;) I'm trying to not even worry about much until the beginning of August when I can breathe again after all of our traveling.
No real worries this week. It was so reassuring to see baby and know that's he's ok. I also feel those taps all day long to remind me that he's in there :)
This weekend we traveled to Wisconsin for our niece's first birthday party. It was a long drive, but so worth it to see everyone. And Zoe is definitely starting to vie for attention and show off. She was sprawling out on the ground and rolling around and we all thought it was funny. Well then anytime she wanted any one's attention (especially Nana's), she'd plop down and roll around. Such a cheese ball :) She was amazing in the car for the most part. She had a brief meltdown on the way there but it was 8 hours so I don't blame her (daddy was getting just as antsy). She was a little crankier on the way home but still not too bad.
What?? You don't lawn swim to get exercise? |
Nana got her an American flag, and she is constantly pointing at the flag now and saying "Nana!" So cute :) It's so cute how she latches onto Beeba and Nana when she's with them. She does not want them to put her down. Nana will have her hands full in November with 4 little ones wanting her attention! I know she loves it though :) It's so neat to see them all together.
Nana got the grand kids matching outfits and had a photo shoot. Surprisingly, they all cooperated and they turned out really cute. Sorry, photo shoot overload!
Leaving was hard and reminded me how much we miss family and living closer. We should see Baby Ben at the end of July and then we won't see everyone again until Christmas :( That just seems so far away!
I love these pictures of all the grandkids together. It is so precious. it is special when they all get together.