Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Welcome Zoe Louise Taylor

I'll post more on Zoe's actual birth story soon, but to tide you over.

Zoe Louise Taylor made her big debut on October 28, 2012.  Weighing in at 8 lbs and 20 in long.

I never knew you could love one person so instantaneously and so much.  She is the most precious gift and so worth the 9 month wait.  My heart just literally bursts.

I know that some of the tears are due to the hormones, but I find myself getting very emotional.  Watching the cute little faces she makes in her sleep.  Watching how peaceful she is while feeding.  Every hiccup, every little body jerk is just the cutest thing I've every seen.


  1. I totally agree. She is the most precious little thing besides you 3 kids of course. You will be filled with love and awe with each new day. Can't wait to get there!!! My heart broke when I first walked in the room and saw your face Laura. You looked so happy. Aaron was busting at the seams. Remind me to show you this same picture on my wallpaper on my computer. It looks like she was "kissed" with a soft heart on the left side of her lie..unless Aaron photo-shopped it in. Will be there soon. Love Beeba (or whatever she would like to call me).

  2. Zoe is so adorable!! I loved meeting her on Friday! You guys are fabulous parents too...not that I expected anything different. :) Happy 1 week Zoe!
