Six months....a half a year! I can't even wrap my head around how old you are getting so fast. You are so big and doing so many new things. I hardly even have to prop you up at all for these pictures. You are pretty much sitting on your own (although you still have spills so mommy and daddy make sure to be right by you). And our last month together :(
Stats: 26 inches long (50th percentile), head is 17.25 inches (90th percentile), and weight is 17 lb 2.5 oz. (68th percentile). You're creeping up there on weight girlie! But I'm good with it...your little thigh rolls are too cute for words :)
Likes: Eating. White noise CD. Bath time. Your mobile. Momma Sofie. Mr. Hungry Caterpillar. Daddy's crazy songs. You also love your hands and feet. Anything you can get your hands on basically - my hair, my glasses, sweatshirt strings, etc. You are very, very grabby this month. No jewelry for mommy right now. Sleeping on your tummy...who knew I'd be saying that after the first few days we had when you learned how to roll!
You LOVE when people jump at you. Our little neighbor Liam started doing it this week and you thought it was hilarious. I tried it out myself the other day, and sure enough you giggled forever. Wally is also suddenly funny too. You giggle every time he licks you.
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Ok people, this looks like my bottle. Why isn't anything coming out?? |
You LOVE when people jump at you. Our little neighbor Liam started doing it this week and you thought it was hilarious. I tried it out myself the other day, and sure enough you giggled forever. Wally is also suddenly funny too. You giggle every time he licks you.
Dislikes: Being burped during/after your bottle. Being overtired. Getting ready for bed after your bath. You love the bath itself. But you'd think we were torturing you when getting you in your PJs.
Biggest Achievement This Month: Rolling from back to belly. And making it 13 hours in the car on vacation!!
All tuckered out on the way home from SC. |
Biggest Challenge of the Month: The 45 minute nap intruder is still in full force :( Sleeping more at daycare. Sleeping in a hotel (I guess this one doesn't really matter since we don't go on vacation all that often).
Secret Tricks: I now put you to sleep on your belly and rub your back for a little bit and you usually fall right to sleep. If only you were allowed to go to sleep right on your belly at daycare. It might solve a lot of problems.
Sleep: You still take your last bottle at 7:30pm and are down by 8pm at the latest. You are then down for the night until about 7am. You take 3 naps during the day when at home, but not so much at daycare. Two long ones that are around 2 hours or a little more and then a short catnap from about 5-6pm.
Temperament/Personality: You now purse your lips like you are contemplating something very deep and profound. I wish we could capture it on the camera because you look so cute doing it. You still babble away mostly to your toys although sometimes I can get you to talk to us :)
Eating: Still at 5 feedings. You're now taking about 6 oz for each of your bottles. I now nurse you in the morning and before bed. So far that's easiest so we'll keep doing it as long as it's working.
We got the ok today from Dr. Butry to introduce real food! Yay! She said we need to work on getting you to eat a breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm so excited to see your reactions to food that actually tastes good rather than the bland rice cereal. And now, I think I might mix in something tasty with your rice cereal.
Mmm...sweet potatoes! First real food. |
Randoms: All 6 month clothes, but I'm having to pack some of those away. The ones that still fit JUST fit you so we'll need to get those 9 month clothes washed soon. You are in size 2 diapers during the day and size 3 at night since you were leaking through your smaller ones. We moved up to size 3 at day care as well since you were blowing out so many diapers.
Milestones: Rolling from back to tummy. You are starting to be able to tripod and even sit on your own sometimes. And you can hold yourself up standing for a very short amount of time if I prop you up next to your pouf on you nursery floor. Even though you prefer to sleep on your tummy, you still hate tummy time when you are awake so you haven't had much opportunity to crawl.
Look at me mommy! I can sit on my own :) |
Outings: Vacation to South Carolina! That's a post of it's own :) We also went to Greenfield Village with Matt and his two little girls. It was such a nice day and so nice to catch up with Matt and get outside. You had your first trip on a carousel and a train. You were happy when mommy held you on the carousel but didn't really like riding the horsey on your own.
We also celebrated Great Grandpa Menke's 90th birthday! So many people came out to celebrate his special day :)
We also celebrated Great Grandpa Menke's 90th birthday! So many people came out to celebrate his special day :)
Favorite Baby Gear: The stroller was a lifesaver on vacation. It was the ONLY place you'd nap. You also love the exersaucer if you can't see me. This helps me to get a few things done in another room. Once you see me though, you cry and hold your arms out for me to pick you up.
Comparison shots!
Love you Goose! Let's make sure to live up our night and weekends together now that mommy has to go back to work :)
Comparison shots!
Love you Goose! Let's make sure to live up our night and weekends together now that mommy has to go back to work :)
I love the picture of Zoe in her crib!!! Love that she had sweet potatoes! Yum!
ReplyDeleteYes, I second that about the crib photo. Zoe looks just like your mom in that photo.
ReplyDeleteYou think she looks like me?? I don't see it at all but if so I sure am cute!!! I love the progression pictures. Your personality sure is coming out Zoe. Someday you will be holding that lion and you will be bigger then him. Sitting in your crib you lok so proud of yourself...that look on your face says "look at me!!!". Love you Beeba