I know I start every post freaking out about your age. But seriously, I'm planning your birthday party and that feels so wrong. I'm excited, but you are growing up way too fast little girl.
Stats: No check up until one year. I really think you are starting to thin out a little now though that you are crawling like CRAZY. And walking with your walkers.
Likes: Bugging Wally (pulling his tail, "petting" him (more like smacking and pulling his hair), poking his eyes). Wally's toys (you even carry your toys around the house in your mouth while you are crawling like he carries his toys - it's cute). Bath time. Walks. Playing chase around the house. Dancing. Pretend falling. You are pretty much hilarious right now (unless you don't nap - then the world is ending). You are also to the point where kitchen items are fun toys. It's nice to plop you down while I'm cooking or unloading the dishwasher and letting you make music or chew on half of what I give you.
Dislikes: Getting ready for bed. Having your nose wiped. Getting dressed. Having your diaper changed.
Biggest Achievement This Month: Cruising on furniture and walking with your walker toys and making it up the stairs (with help of course).
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Sleeping at day care.
Secret Tricks: Laying you down on your belly with a few pats. Walks in your stroller. Walks up and down the bock.
Visiting Great Grandpa |
Sleep: You still take your last bottle at 7:30pm and are down by 8pm at the latest. You are then down for the night until about 6:30am or 7am. Your naps at daycare are about 40 minutes in length. At home, you nap much better and they last almost 2 hours still. You only have a third nap if your naps at daycare were horrible. We've gotten rid of it completely on weekends and days off from daycare.
Temperament/Personality: Girlie, you are hilarious. You say "UH OH" really well now. And in context. You also throw your head back and get the CHEESIEST grin on your face showing all six teeth (yes, six). You realized that we find it hilarious so you do it all the time and any time we request it :) Cutest.thing.ever. If only we could capture it on camera.
You also have started dancing to music. You kind of just bob up and down at this point (I've tried teaching you a few of my moves - which I have none - but you aren't quite there yet), but you are getting there..
Eating: Still 4 bottles. You are taking 6 oz. Right now your schedule is bottle when wake up, solids at 8:30am (breakfast), solids at 11:30 am (lunch), bottle around 1pm, bottle around 4pm, solids at 6ish pm (dinner), bottle before bed. I need to start working on your sippy to try and get rid of a bottle or two. You do awesome with water. Your solids just aren't so great yet, so I'm fearful you won't get enough formula in a day to keep you full.
Your solids are getting better. When you are getting sick (which I don't know is the case until you actually are but I look back and realize it), you want nothing to do with solids. It's a huge struggle to get you to eat anything other than your bottle. When you are healthy or in the middle of your cold, you do well.
Right now, you'll eat bananas, peaches, pancakes, nutri grain bars, veggie straws, and sweet potato wedges. You kind of eat pasta. We tried Beeba's mac 'n cheese but you pretty much just sucked the cheese off the noodle then spit it back out :) Some days you'll eat yogurt, others you hate it. We also tried grilled cheese and that wasn't too bad.
You LOVE puffs.
You love your sippy with water though! |
Randoms: All 12 month clothes. Beeba and I just went shopping to get you 18 months clothes for the fall. Thankfully, between the sales we scored and the clothes her and Nana sent, we should be good for a little while. You still fit into size 3 diapers (just barely). We only have a few left in the diaper bag. Other than that, you are in size 4. Size 4 still works at night.
You fell down the bottom, two stairs this month and hit your head on the coffee table :( Even though I knew you were ok, hearing your ear piercing I'm hurt scream was so hard for mommy and daddy. Thankfully, it didn't last long and you were ok once we bribed you with every toy and completely distracted you. I know these won't be the first owies, but wow is it hard holding it together when I want to cry right along with you.
Milestones: You can walk with your toys. No steps on your own yet, but at 10 months, I'm very ok with that.
Love you baby girl!!! I try to tell you a million times a day. I just hope you don't ever forget it.