Saturday, December 6, 2014

Adjustment from One to Two

I was really worried how Zoe would adjust to having a little brother.  She has been the center of our world for 2 years and her world was about to be turned upside down.  She's a super helpful toddler.  She loves to help clean up and get things for us, so I was hopeful that as long as I gave her "tasks", she'd be ok.

The afternoon that Beckett was born, my mother in law brought Zoe to the hospital.  She was a little unsure of what was going on and the look on her face definitely made me nervous.  But looking back, I think she was just overwhelmed and really wasn't sure what to think with everyone all in the same room, talking to her, and coming at her.  Because five minutes later, she was climbing on my bed and begging to hold Baby Brother.

Not so sure...
"I wanna hold him!"

The first few days, she went back and forth calling him Baby Ben and Beckett, but I think she's got it down now :)

She LOVES giving him kisses.  I think she'd kiss him all night when she got home from day care if we let her :)  She loves tickling his feet and announcing to us when he's awake or crying.  So far, she doesn't really seem phased at all or jealous of this new little addition.  Life has pretty much gone on as normal.  I'm kind of holding my breath and just waiting for the other shoe to drop.  But maybe this will go better than I ever thought…

"I wanna have a sleep over!"

Aaron has been amazing at taking over all duties with her when I have to feed Beckett (which feels like all the time even though it's only every 3 hours).  Zoe has tested our patience here and there…playing with the bouncy seat when we repeatedly told her no, etc.  But they are very minor incidences and nothing to worry about.  Typical toddler stuff that would have happened even if Beckett wasn't here.  

Riding in Beckett's "boat."

I think the adjustment has just been hardest on me and the mommy guilt I feel.  I love them both so much and it's crazy how your heart can explode like this a second time.  But I don't want Zoe to feel replaced in any way.  I want to make sure she knows how much mommy still loves her.  I just feel so consumed with Beckett right now, but I know that it's just the newborn stage and eventually it won't seem like I'm constantly feeding him.  And I try my best to read to her while I'm nursing, or play tea parties with her in between feedings.  Thankfully, her bedtime also falls in between feedings so I can help with that some nights too.  Zoe honestly doesn't seem to have any resentment.  It's all in my head.  But it hasn't stopped me from sobbing to Aaron.  

I just want them both to know how much I love them.

It's only been a few weeks though, so we'll see how my outlook on this changes as we get into more of a routine and we are all together more.  Zoe is still in day care full time (I don't feel coordinated enough just yet to take care of both of them all day).  But we'll get there.  I'm just so happy that Zoe loves her baby brother so far.  It's made me feel so much better.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Beckett James | Birth Story

Mr. Beckett's arrival was not at all what I expected…other than he was early which I predicted all along.  So here is this little guy's story.

I had been having braxton hicks contractions for months.  The cramping was getting worse every day but nothing consistent or time able.  Monday night Aaron had talked to his mom to confirm her arrival on Wednesday.  I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  At one point Monday night, I was getting more crampy and noticed they were coming at frequent intervals, but they weren't intense and they were pretty far apart, then they went away.  Two weeks before, I was 3 cm dilated.  The week before, there was no change.  I went to bed Monday night with no knowledge of what was to come…

I woke up around 12:45 am with actual contractions.  I turned on my app and started to time them.  They were averaging 50 seconds to just over a minute in length.  They were coming about 6 minutes apart at that point.  I wasn't supposed to call the doctor until they were 5 minutes apart, lasting one minute each, for one hour.  At 1:30 am, I decided to get up and go downstairs.  To pass the time, I unloaded the dishwasher…so glad I wasted my time there :)

Shortly thereafter, I went upstairs to tell Aaron I thought this was it and to call his mom.  I got the rest of my things around, called the doctor, and showered.  The time between contractions went quickly from 6 minutes, to 4 minutes, to 2-3 minutes apart.  Looking back, this should have been a sign to stop what I was doing and go to the hospital rather than unloading the dishwasher, showering, etc.  

We called the people we had asked as our Zoe backups.  Thankfully, our neighbor answered right away and came over until Aaron's mom arrived around 5:30 am.  We left for the hospital just before 3 am.  I remember thinking the contractions were coming REALLY close together and things were feeling a little odd down there.  I had an epidural with Zoe though, so besides the early contractions, I really didn't know what it would feel like later in labor.

As we got to the check in desk, I realized my wallet was at home.  Thankfully, that wasn't an issue.  They quickly checked me in, Aaron ran down to move the car, and a nurse came in to ask questions and help me get into my gown.  I think then the contractions were 2 minutes apart.  A nurse was nice enough to push my pelvis together during each one.  I was in HORRIBLE pain at this point and not really getting any relief.  The nurse checked my dilation and didn't say a word.  I repeatedly said I wanted an epidural ASAP.  

When she came back, and I asked how far I was and she said, "Well, I didn't want to tell you.  But you are at 10."  That's when I really lost it.  Sobbing, screaming, swearing.  I kept saying that I just wanted to go home…too late for that!  I was so upset because I knew at this point I couldn't get any pain medicine.  And I don't do well with pain.  I had no idea how much longer I had.  I just knew that I was in so much pain.

They quickly wheeled me from the trauma intake to the birthing rooms.  I screamed the whole way down the hall.  My water ruptured and splattered all down the hallway according to Aaron.  We got into the room just as my doctor was rushing in.  They forced me to move from the gurney to the other bed which I did not want to do.  It hurt so horribly.  I just wanted them to pick me up but eventually I crawled over.  

The doctor told me to push with the next contraction and Mr. Beckett James made his debut with that one contraction in about two pushes.  The RELIEF from the pain was amazing.  And hearing those sweet cries made it all worth it.  I give major credit to women who go without drugs purposely.  It's no joke.  

All in all, we got in the car at about 2:50 am.  Got to the hospital around 3 am.  And he was born at 3:34 am.  We JUST made it.  I joked with the doctor that I plan to camp out at the hospital the week before my due date if we have another baby.  She laughed and said that we can talk about induction for sure once I get close to the end to avoid a home birth :)

The poor little guy went nameless for quite a while, but we finally were able to agree.

Beckett James 
November 11, 2014
Born 3:34 am
7 lb and 9 oz
19.5 inches long

Mr. Beckett we love you so, so much already.  Your little bird cries are just adorable.  You tolerate CONSTANT kisses from your big sister and are just the best addition to this crazy family.  We can't wait to watch you grow and your personality to shine.  

Friday, October 31, 2014

Zoe Louise | 24 months

I don't know how I have a 2 year old already, but here we are.  This stage really has been my favorite so far.  To see her language and understanding of things just explode, has been so much fun.

Some of the funny things she says lately...

We are working on manners.  She always been very good with please.  She's getting so much better with thank you and now will say "Tank you mommy, daddy."  For whatever reason, she always has to throw my name in their when she's thanking Aaron.  She only does it though when thanking him.  If she's thanking my mom, she gets it right ("Tank you Beeba.") 

She's starting to recite her books from memory now.  I've noticed it the most with Wheels on the Bus and Polar Bear Polar Bear.  Her cry for the babies on the bus is VERY dramatic and so cute to see her fake it.  She can only get through the polar bear and the lion pages in Polar Bear Polar Bear, but I still thought it was pretty good that she is starting to "read" to herself.  She can now read almost all of Knuffle Bunny too.  It's absolutely adorable.

She is starting to throw 4 into her counting lineup.  Most days it's still 1, 2, 3, 6, 9!!!!!  But some days 4 makes an appearance.  And she can somewhat sing her A, B, Cs.  Sometimes instead of saying P she says "pieces" which I have no idea where that came in but for only being two, she's doing pretty well :)  I've caught her twice counting to 10 and getting EVERY number, but that's definitely not the norm.

The "go away" has left her vocabulary for the most part.  She's now onto "need" though.  Ugh.  "Mommy, I need my yogurt."  "Mommy, I need peaches."  I love seeing her form sentences more and more, but I could do without the "need."  We are working on adding please to the end.

She doesn't watch much TV, but we do let her watch Elmo clips on You Tube every once in a while, and there is a Cookie Monster skit that is all about wanting something but having to wait.  This girl can pound her milk, so we've always given her water during lunch/dinner and then milk when she's done eating so that she'll actually eat solid food.  Well she would FREAK out when she was done and wanted her milk instantly.  Aaron would always sing the Cookie Monster song to her and then remind her that Cookie Monster says "Me want it but me wait!"  And sure enough, after WEEKS of going through this, she now says "Milk" and as we're getting it, "Cookie Monster want it but wait!"  And no screaming.  It's so fun to see things like this sink in.

She was obsessed with all things camping when we were up north.  "Beeba, I go back in the camper!"  Or "Fire pit hot!"  She very emphatically would tell the ducks that were on the shore to "Stop right there!  Go back in the wawa (water)!"  I love that she threw in the quote from her ballerina book :)

She loves to tell us when Wally is sitting next to her in the car.  Except she says "Wally sit next to you!"  She still mixes up her pronouns :) 

She'll also put on her sunglasses and walk around saying "Cool duuuude!"  I die with cuteness overload.

And probably my mom's favorite, she can FINALLY say Beeba.  And she is definitely making up for lost time and saying it a lot :)

The world still ended when most days when she had to leave the park or any source of water.  Although this has gotten a lot better too in the past few weeks.  I finally would sit with her and talk to her before we left about how we were going to leave, but we could come back again, and it's ok to be sad but we can't get really upset or we couldn't come back.  It's slowly gotten a lot better.  The first few times she was a little teary and whiny.  I repeated the talk every time.  Then the last few times she's left no problem.  Now, she does try to stall a little, but NOTHING like it used to be :)

She's starting to pretend play more.  She'll give her babies drinks of water, or have pretend picnics.

And she's starting to use a fake, high pitched voice for certain things.  Sometimes when she's talking to Wally.  It's almost like the voice people will use when talking to babies.  I remember my friend's daughter doing this when her little sister was born and it was seriously the cutest thing ever.

She moved to her big girl bed this month and is doing amazing.  She plays a little during naps but usually conks right out.  No problems getting out though.  She always asks to get down, so she hasn't gotten out on her own (yet).

This girl loves, loves, loves to help.  It may be because she's obsessed with stickers, but whatever the reason, she's still an awesome helper.  I can ask her to clean up any of her toys and she'll usually oblige.  Last night, I was trying to help Aaron clean up dinner and she wanted our attention so I'd give her small tasks with her toys.  And when she was all done I told her how great of a job she did, etc., etc. Then she looked right at me and said, "Sticker?"  I suppose it's a cheap reward system :)

I really could go on and on and on.  I just don't want to forget anything!  I do miss my baby but love seeing her learn and explore new things and have things we are trying to teach her actually click.  Maybe we are doing some things right :)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

August 31, 2014 - 29 Weeks

Officially my last week in the 20s.  Then only 10 weeks left.  Things are getting real!

Not much new pregnancy-wise.  I'm getting to the "I'm done point" which isn't great considering I still have 2.5ish months left.  I no longer can paint my toes or do any sort of bending over without seriously squishing this little guy.  I get so tired by the end of the day or start having serious braxton hicks contractions that I try not to overdo it, but then I feel like I'm jipping Zoe and being a lazy bum.  Thankfully, she's content when I read or do puzzles with her.  And she could care less if I sit and watch her play outside rather then partaking in all the fun.  It's my own guilt I guess.  She prefers to sit on my lap though now for everything which is starting to get tricky since I'm running out of lap room as this belly keeps getting bigger.

I'm trying so hard to get her to grasp that there will be a little human here soon.  I just don't think she has any clue.  I'll tell her baby brother is in my belly and she looks at me and lifts up my shirt and looks at me again and just pokes my belly button and does her "I'm tickling you" squeal.  I'm praying that her transition goes ok. 

We made our one and only trip up north this weekend.  So much fun and too short as always!  Traffic wasn't bad at all thankfully.  Zoe is great in the car (especially now that she can face forward), but she only lasts so long.  And 5 hours is long as it is...add in traffic and that's tough. 

While some our meals out weren't so great (mom and dad are still trying to figure out what places have good food and which don't - we definitely helped with the do not go back list), we made up for it with lots of trips to the playground, a little children's museum, walks, shopping, feeding the ducks, camp fires, etc.  Zoe had so much fun, slept great, and misses her camper already :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

August 24, 2014 - 28 Weeks

(I've had this saved for a week now waiting to add the picture, but the picture never happened.  Oops!)

Third trimester!  Things are getting real now.  Once we are back from up north, we are going to need to start getting our last few projects done.  It's really all cosmetic at this point, so I suppose everyone will live if we don't get it done.  Although, we still have not discussed names at all.  I finally put my list out so I would remember that we absolutely need to figure this out.  Don't worry baby boy, we really are excited!  Your sister is just a busy body during the day and I'm a blob on the couch by 8pm :)

While I went from being REALLY nervous about having a baby when Zoe was JUST turning 2, to mildy nervous, I'm really getting ready to meet this little guy.  Not only so that I can do all of my normal daily activities without feeling like I just ran a marathon, but also to have that newborn smell, and that teeny tiny baby to love all over.  It's hard to believe that we'll be able to love another little nugget as much as we love Zoe, because man, she's adorable and hilarious and smart and SO MUCH FUN and steals my heart every day.  But somehow, I know it's going to explode all over again.

My appointment this week went great.  I'm up 21 lbs total.  For a brief moment, I did the math wrong and thought it was 30 and had a mental freak out.  I'm trying to remember though it is what it is.  I feel like I say this after every appointment.  I guess I don't need to write down my mental struggle every time.

Apparently I'm also measuring right on track which I was shocked about.  I feel like I look quite a bit bigger already this time around.  The doctor assured me I'm not going to birth a 12 pounder (yet).

I start going every two weeks.  Crazy that I'm to that point already!  I think it stays this way until week 36, then I go once a week.

We had a nice, lazy weekend after the chaos from the week before.  I've realized Zoe has a shopping addiction like her mom.  I'll tell her we're going shopping and she whines and whines "Shopppppiinnnngggg!" until we are actually there.  Oh boy.  Target is one of her favorites.  Thankfully, she's all about the people watching and doesn't want everything she sees (yet).  Her and I ran errands most of the morning until her nap.  Then we played until it was time for dinner.  She's very into our neighbor Morgane and loves playing when they are out.  We only saw them for about 5 minutes before we ran to dinner.  Maybe this week!

Sunday we went to the zoo.  We realized that Zoe likes the animals for about an hour, then prefers to just run around and have fun with everything but the animals.  She was still good and not mischevious at all, she just didn't care about what we were seeing.  We decided that we'll have to go around backwards next time so she can enjoy the end animals a little more.

Next weekend is up north!

Friday, August 15, 2014

August 17, 2014 - 27 Weeks

I was so worried with the rate my bump was growing that this would be a gigantic baby.  Now that I look at pictures over the last few weeks, I think he just had a growth spurt and now it's evened out until the next growth spurt.  His kicks and taps are getting stronger and stronger.

I'm still feeling ok and nothing other than the hip pain at night.  Still craving all things fruit.  I have a horrendous canker sore on my tongue in the worst spot (it basically scrapes on my molers anytime I eat or talk), so eating has been interesting the past few days.  I might need to resort to smoothies....if I can find a place that makes them.  Although drinking out of a straw hurts even worse.  I think I'm through the worst of it though.  It was a long few days earlier this week.

There really hasn't been a whole lot that's new pregnancy-wise this week.  All of our energy/worries have revolved around the storm of the century we got hit with Monday night.  I picked up Zoe from day care and the lake had formed in her room.  Things went downhill fast from there.  We got home and she loved walking in the rain from the car to the house..she had her rain coat on so it was fun for her (not so much for me, but her giggles helped).  I checked the basement and everything looked ok.  We had a very slow leak in one of the windows because of the amount of rain and Aaron needed to unclog the gutters.  Very manageable though.  Nothing a towel couldn't take care of.  That was about 6:15.  Aaron got home at 7 because of traffic and roads starting to close.  Zoe and I were just cleaning up her dinner and Aaron ran out to take care of the gutter.  Then he went downstairs and the mayhem started.  Water was coming up from the sewer.

Now I in my pregnant and over emotional state started flipping out and sobbing (let's be honest...I would have done this even if I wasn't pregnant).  He did what he could to get things off the floor that weren't wet yet.  He gave me stuff to put up so he could get it out to the garage.  Baby clothes that I had JUST taken out of totes to rewash were floating.  I hope Zoe has no recollection of my crazy yelling and crying.  I finally realized it was what it was and got her ready for bed.  And proceeded to sob on and off all night until about 2am. 

The bad news....we don't have the insurance rider that covers this. 

The good news....We recently reorganized the basement last summer and almost everything was off the ground.  Most of what was on the ground was plastic and easily sanitized.  What wasn't plastic appears to be in good shape and hopefully the bleach keeps away the nastiness.  The laundry is coming out great thanks to a few tips the flood cleaners gave us (although a long process).  While we lost a few things, nothing was sentimental and nothing was of huge value.  We know a lot of people who have it a lot worse.  So I'm counting our blessings where I can.

Thankfully our neighbors have a family friend who owns a cleaning company and they came out Tuesday to give us a quote and were back that night to clean.  I've heard that most companies have days long waiting lists.  And with the smell that was creaping up the stairs by Tuesday afternoon, I'm so thankful that they thought of us and asked if we'd like them to come over.  The owner has come back twice nice to check on everything and was super helpful with how we should clean all the stuff we'd moved to the garage and how we should clean the laundry.  Stuff I never would have figured out on my own.

While times like these suck and I don't want it to happen again EVER, it's so nice to see all of the support and help from those around you.  Again, our neighbors were a saving grace by offering to have their friend come over with his company.  We've also comiserated at least once a day (I like to complain as part of my therapy :) ).  My mother-in-law dropped everything and drove over Tuesday morning to watch Zoe and help us clean.  My parents have offered up a lot as well.

Let's hope next week is a little more low key, ok?

Friday, August 8, 2014

August 10, 2014 - 26 weeks

Time is just moving right along over here.  We are trying to soak up the last month of true summer as much as we can and balance getting Zoe's room ready. We are almost to the "putting up the decorations phase" which is way more fun then all of the moving and patching the wall crap.  In just 3 short weeks, we get to finally make our way up north.

I had an unexpected appointment this week (more on that later) and I'm still up about 20-21 lbs.  If I only gain a pound every other week, I'll end up about right where I was with Zoe which doesn't feel too daunting at all.  However, in my past experience, I was at about a pound a week towards the end.  In my defense, I think a lot was water weight when I look at pictures Aaron took.  My face really did swell up more than I noticed in the moment.

Sleep is still fabulous!  Zoe always sleeps well but sometimes will cry in her sleep.  It usually doesn't last long, but it wakes me up.  This hasn't happened in a while and has been glorious.  It did happen 3 times last night which is super unusual for her.  I went in and rocked her at one point just to make sure she was ok.  Again, she was totally asleep and unaware.  I just wanted to enjoy some extra snuggles.  Her nap at school was horrible though which usually always equates to bad sleep all around for her.  Hopefully today is better.  I can't complain though.  One bad night out of the month is nothing to worry about.

I'm currently obsessed with peaches still.  I could eat a handfull a day.  I'm trying to limit it to two at the most.  I have no idea how I would survive being pregnant in the winter here in MI.  I just can't stop with the fruit!

I am getting super full fast now though.  And I still have 14 weeks to go.  I don't feel like I look exceptionally bigger than I did with Zoe at this point.  But I can tell my stomach just has no where to expand at this point.

No huge worries this week.  I did go to the doctor to get a weird feeling I've been having on and off checked out.  It was almost like I felt like my bones down "there" were growing because they were aching when I walked.  The nurse thought it was probably fine but had me come in to get checked just to be safe.  Sure enough, baby boy is locked up tight.  Let's stay that way for a while, ok?

The sore hips while sleeping are making there way back :(  No heartburn though.  Definitely hitting the uncomfortable point though.  I'm just done by the end of the day.  I'd love to go for a walk or go to the gym but I just want to crash.  And then I get uncomfortable and my back hurts.  Complain, complain :)

August 3, 2014 - 25 Weeks


It's August already...where is the summer going??  I knew this would happen especially with how busy our calendar was from the end of June through July, but seriously.  I feel like it just got warm.  Only 4 weeks until Labor Day!  Which I'm excited for since it's our only trip up north this year but still! 

I realized that I forgot to document my weight gain from my last appointment....ugh.  I don't really want to, but I do like being able to look back.  And IN CASE we have a third, I know I'll want to know.  19-20 lbs already.  I'm hoping now that vacation is over, this will slow way down.

I'm still sleeping fine.  Now that I'm back in my own bed, my hips don't hurt nearly as bad.  It is starting to get a little harder to roll over and to get out of bed from laying down.  Those ab muscles aren't what they used to be.

Loving fruit as always.  Peaches have been my favorite lately.  Thankfully they are coming into season here in MI soon.  Jimmy Johns still so.  I still haven't been to the one that opened within walking distance.  What is wrong with me???

I have one name that's been on my list that's really growing on me.  But I don't know if I like it for an adult.  I think it's super cute for a baby/little kid, but I don't want this baby boy to hate us when he's older :)

I'm starting to be able to see movement from the outside now.  Those jabs are getting stronger and stronger!  I can also feel body parts from the outside poking out (no idea what they are though - butt or head).  The movement still feels really low this time around.

Not too many worries this week.  One small second of spotting but it was gone as soon as it arrived.  Then I've also had these weird "zings" or aches down in the nether region.  They are very random and I only notice them once or twice a day when I'm walking.  I called the nurse and she had no idea what I was describing...probably because I was going a horrible job at describing them.  She described what I should be worried about (basically the start of contractions or the need to push) which I know about and it's definitely neither.  For now, they've gone away so I'll just mention them at my next appointment.

I'm also starting to freak out at how much I feel like we have left to do.  We are making progress.  And once the office is cleared out (Sunday), I'll feel much better.  Then we can start assembling some of Zoe's stuff, I can lay out what needs to go on the wall that I already have to figure out what we still need to buy, etc.

And the worry that we'll have no one to watch Zoe when I go into labor is creeping up.  I cannot do this without Aaron, and what if it's the middle of the night and not when she's in day care?  Aaron has assured me that there are people who will help and I know that.  But what if randomly everyone is unavailable??

With Zoe, I had a lot more heartburn.  It's almost nonexistent right now.  We may be looking at a bald baby... :)

Overall, things are great with just a few worries.  15 weeks left!!!  Can't wait to meet this little man :)

Friday, August 1, 2014

July 27, 2014 - 24 Weeks

Some sources say this is the week of viability!  Although, I feel like 26 weeks sticks out more in my head.  But either way, we're close.  Granted, this little guy better stay put for a while longer :)  It's just reassuring when I hit that point where things "should" be ok no matter what happens.

Another crazy week around here.  We were busy catching up on sleep, getting back into our daily routine at home, and unpacking from vacation.  

Then Zoe and I hit the road yet again to head back to Rockford.  Aaron decided to stay back and relax (I don't blame him).  Zoe and I had a great weekend at Cody Lake with Nana, Great Grandpa, etc.  She LOVED the lake as to be expected.  Nana would chase and and Zoe would splash and run…"Catch you!" she screams :)  Then we got back and made it to church and pizza with Papa.  Sunday was my family reunion.  It was fun to catch up with family I don't get to see very often.  Zoe had fun playing with her cousin Cameron and Matt.  She's definitely coming out of her shell and finally starting to venture out on her own and becoming less timid.

Aaron got started on clearing out the office.  We'll get there slowly but surely with this baby :) We are home now for a good chunk of August until Labor Day weekend, so I'm hoping to check a few big things off of the list.  

I had another appointment last week.  It went well.  The weight gain was eye opening, but I guess I should have been ready for it after being on vacation and being terrible at working out lately.  I have four weeks until the next appointment and then I have the glucose test and start going every 2 weeks already!  

Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 20, 2014 - 23 Weeks

It's always sad saying goodbye to vacation.  While I was getting ready to get home to our own space, I definitely didn't want to leave Zoe and go back to work.  Oh well...I suppose it's work that allows us to take such fun vacations :)

Nothing really new pregnancy-wise.  It's definitely exhausting trying to do everything with everyone with a 20 month old and pregnant.  Thankfully there were plenty of hands to help out.  I was able to do most everything, but there were a few things I had to sit out of.  And obviously no drinking which was a major bummer....there were a few night I really could have had a glass (or bottle) of wine.

Zoe slept essentially the entire way from the airport to Glenwood Springs.  She woke up with maybe 30 minutes left and just watched out the window.  We didn't do much Sunday - just unpacked and went to Chile's with Papa (exciting dinner I know) and quickly grocery shopped for the week.

Monday we headed to Snowmass to meet my BFF and her family for a few hours.  We had fun but didn't take many pictures!  It's funny how our time together has changed a bit now that Zoe is older.  It's getting harder to just sit and chat like the old days!  But it's fun to see how it's changed too watching the little ones run around (or sit quietly as is Harper's case for now :) ).  Monday night we made dinner and somehow clogged the many dishes and no where to put them.

Tuesday we decorated the reception venue....for FIVE hours.  It was gorgeous in the end, but it took FOREVER and only a few disagreements :)

Wednesday everyone else went hiking to Hanging Lake while Zoe and I found a park.  I made the mistake of trying to tell her where we were going and she cried and cried about the swings until we finally got there.  I think we swinged for about 35 minutes before I could finally coax her off of them :)  That night we went out to dinner for my dad's birthday (60th! later this month).  After dinner was music in the park and Little Miss definitely got her groove on. She LOVES to dance.

I'm glad Andrew can fake it.

Rockin' it out with Beeba.

Thursday was our rafting day.  Zoe and I went down the lower portion after the rapids.  She had  I have never heard her squeel and laugh so much in 2 hours in my life.  Unfortunately, we couldn't take phones, so I don't have any pictures, but she was so freakin' cute.  Whee!!!  Whoa.... were common words heard from the front.  There was one wave that caught her off guard but she quickly recovered and was squeeling again.  She definitely passed out that afternoon for her nap.  We had to finally wake her up at 4:30 to get going to the park for our bbq.

Friday Aaron and Zoe went for a LONG bike ride where Aaron saw a bear (Zoe was napping).  Us girls got out nails done and finished decorating and got ready super fast for the rehearsal.  Zoe did GREAT walking down the aisle with the ring bearer...our only hope was that it would go just as well on the actual wedding day.  She was crabby at dinner so we didn't stay long.

Saturday was the big day!  Zoe did perfect again :)  So cute!

And other randoms from the week...

Feeding the fish every morning.

She warmed up to the ring bearer really fast once she realized he had an iPad.

It only took about 5 days for her to finally become friends with Aunt Cathy :)

Petting the many wildlife in the backyard.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 13, 2014 - 22 Weeks

I really am writing this one late so hopefully I can remember a week ago :)  Things can slow down any time now....

Vacation has started!!  It was exhausting cleaning the house (I clean Fridays and didn't want to come home to a messy house) and packing but it was worth it.  Zoe was a champ on the plane and loved every second of the bus ride to the airport (no car seat!) and takeoff and landing.  She did get bored and fussed for all of 15 minutes, but I don't blame her.  I was antsy too.

Eating some cereal on the landing.

What mom? Everyone else is holding onto these poles.

Besides being tired, I'm feeling great.  I feel like this will be the story of my life for the next who knows how long so maybe I should just stop complaining about it.

Still trying to think of a baby name.  I have a list and can't tell how Aaron feels about any of the contenders.  We haven't had time to really sit down and talk about them (I told him while he was feeding Zoe so it was hectic).  No progress on Zoe's room or baby's room either.  I do have lists!  But haven't had time to do anything.  That's August's project :)

Sorry for the horrible post....I guess I should have been better about writing as the week went by!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 6, 2014 - 21 Weeks

I hate that I can't be on top of these posts.  I guess that's to be expected with a toddler to run after and the fact that this feels like the busiest summer EVER.  I am writing them on time.  I've just been lazy uploading pictures.

Nothing really new or exciting pregnancy-wise to talk about.  Still feeling generally good.  I'm getting more tired by the end of the day with swollen feet here and there.  I was SO SWOLLEN by the end with Zoe, so I was hoping to avoid that this time around.  But maybe it's going to be in my cards again.  I'm also starting to get out of breath really easily.  I don't remember this happening so early before. And makes me a little nervous as to how I'm going to last 19 more weeks!

The highlight of the week was our weekend, adult getaway.  Beeba and Papa took Zoe up north while Aaron and I enjoyed a trip to Holland and then back for a night in GR.  We missed our little girl like crazy but it was so nice to just nap whenever, not worry about how late I was staying up because I knew I'd get to sleep in, not worry about eating at a certain time or nap time or any of the scheduling.  Don't get me wrong, I love every second (or almost every second ;) ) with that little girl.  Mommy just needs a little break to recharge once in a while.

Holland was filled with shopping and beach time.  It was crazy how quiet it was on the 4th.  The summer is their tourist season so I would have thought it would have been busier.  Nope, lots of stores and restaurants were closed.  GR was also fun.  The restaurant we wanted to go to was closed too (what?!), but we made do.  The fireworks were literally on top of our hotel so we were able to have a really good view.  Then Sunday it was back to my parents to pick up Little Miss who was so excited to see us.  She did have tons of fun though and had a few mini meltdowns when having to leave the "sings" and "wawa" (swings and water).  Story of our life so nothing new there :)  I think Beeba and Papa were exhausted too but had fun!

Next weekend it's off to CO!  Crazy busy summer!