Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beckett James | Four Months

I definitely have had this written forever…but with vacation and life, I just didn't get around to posting it on time.  Now only two weeks until your 5 month post :)  Oh…the life of a second child. 

Stats:  weight...13.5 oz (18th percentile).  Head 16.25 in (40th percentile).  Height 24.5 in (32nd percentile).  Still our little peanut.  You are SLOWLY creeping up there!

Likes:  Swaddled.  White noise.  Bath time.  Watching your big sister.  You love staring at her and seeing what she's doing.  Chatting with anyone who will listen and chat back.  Watching people.  You are very content for the most part being in your bouncy, laying on the floor, etc. as long as you are in on the action and can see people.  You recently starting giggling when we give you kisses on your cheeks and belly.  I love those laughs!  Your paci which is a change for us since your sister never took to it.  Thankfully, you've gotten over really needing it at night if it falls out.

Dislikes:  While you love watching your sister, you HATE when she screams or yells unexpectedly.  It really scares you and you then give us your scared cry.  So sad.  We are really working on Zoe being a little quieter so that she doesn't scare you so often.  I know she's not doing it on purpose.  She's just very "passionate" as day care puts it.  Getting ready after bath time.  

Biggest Achievement This Month:  Sleeping until 6!  Although, we can thank the time change for that one :)

Biggest Challenge This Month:  Getting you through your random nighttime wake ups.  I knew you didn't need to eat so it was just a matter of letting you cry.  Thankfully, it only took a few nights and you now are fine.  Sometimes you'll wake up very briefly, but you only cry for a minute or two and then are right back to sleep.

Secret Tricks:  As long as you can see us, you are generally ok.  There is really no need for "tricks" anymore as you are extremely content now.  Such a change from a few months ago.  And a welcome one at that :)

Sleep:  Not much change here from our last post.  You are now in your own room though which I suppose is a big achievement!  

You are down at about 7:30-7:45pm without really any fuss.  You'd probably go to sleep earlier, but I want to make sure we get in that one last bottle.  You then eat again around 5:30 or 6 am (thanks to the time change).  You still sometimes are a little fussy anywhere from 2 or 3am, but I do let you fuss a little to see if you are hungry or if you'll fall back to sleep.  So far you always fall back to sleep after a few minutes.  

You go back down after your early morning feeding and are up around 7:30 am.  We no longer put you in the rock n play which seems to have caused a little earlier wake up, but I'm ok with that.  Recently, you've decided to poop sometime after the early morning feeding which I'm assuming is causing your wake up. 

I was a little worried about the time change, but we are right back on schedule.  Zoe always got through them easily, but I know how different two kids can be.  Thankfully, you are one in the same here.  

Maybe month 5 will be our "sleep through the night" month?  I know you'll get there.  And you really are making it a long stretch.  I'd really just like you up around 7am so you really have just an hour or two more to make it.  Moving you to your own room has really helped me sleep too.  It's much easier for me to fall back to sleep now after you fuss.

Temperament/Personality:  So so so happy!  You are smiling and laughing all of the time now.  You are pretty chill as well and don't really need to "do" much just yet.  I feel like we had to do a lot of activity switching with your sister, but you seem to be ok just doing whatever for the most part.  So much so that I have to remember to try and do tummy time, get out toys and switch things up for you just for developmental reasons.

It's just amazing to me how different you are from just a month or two ago.  I was telling a friend how bad it was at Christmas and he mentioned that he hadn't heard a peep from you all day.  Which was so true.  As long as you nap when you are supposed to and eat when you are supposed to, you are one happy little guy.  Sleep training is one of the top things I dread, but working on getting you on a dependable schedule I know has really helped.

Eating:  Still taking 6 bottles.  The early morning bottle is now down to 3 oz.  You weren't  all that hungry at your next feeding so I'm working on reducing that one.  The rest of the day you take about 5.5 oz.  

Randoms:  Size 2 diapers as of a few days ago.  We ran out of size 1's and knew you wouldn't fit in them much longer anyhow.  You still fit in some of your 3 month clothes (barely).  I have a feeling they will all be put away this next month though.

Your cradle cap has gotten a little better and your eczema is MUCH better.  The aquaphor worked great!

Milestones:  Sleeping better and in your own room!  Waking up talking rather than crying.  You LOVE to talk!  And you actually talk back when we are talking to you.  ADORABLE.

I can't believe we only have two months left together at home.  I really am so thankful to have so much time home with you.  Without the six months, we wouldn't get to spend all of your happy days together.  Your smiles and giggles are infectious.  I love you so so much little man!