Monday, November 4, 2013

Zoe Louise | 12 Months

This post is so bitter sweet.  You've become so much more active and fun as each month passes, but I can't help but feel a little sad thinking we are moving further and further from the baby months.  It's so hard to believe how little you were one year ago.  And how heavy you seemed when we had to walk around and bounce you for hours every night before we made it to your 11-11:30pm bedtime.  We have come so far.  You are SO much bigger and your bedtime is now right where we wanted it at 7:30pm.  But those aren't even the best parts.  You make every day amazing Zoe.  You make waking up so easy, coming home from work the best, and your cheesy smile is the highlight of my day.  You are my heart baby girl.  

Stats:   24 lb 7 oz (95th percentile), 29.5 inches long (65th percentile), and head is 18.5 in (92nd percentile).  I don't want to see those thighs go!  And cutest thing ever.  I'll ask you where your belly button is while we are getting dressed and you'll suck in her stomach to find it (because your belly is too big to see it when it's relaxed).  Seriously, how can you not love chubby babies???  Dr. Butry said you should start to slim down now that you're weening off of the bottle and eating mostly table food.  And you're walking now too!

Likes: Bugging Wally although you are starting to get a little more gentle.  Wally's toys especially Moo Cow.  Hopefully soon you'll realize his toys don't belong in YOUR mouth.  Bath time and being a rebel and standing in the bath.  SPLASHING!  Walks.  Playing chase around the house.  Dancing.  Pretend falling.  Reading books.  FLYING with daddy.  Opening and closing doors.  Throwing all of the DVDs on the floor and looking through them intently.  Using all of your toys as walkers - even your activity table.

Dislikes: Getting ready for bed (I am so ready for this to be over).  It only happens here.  You are fine when we are out of town so part of me wonders if you just know that here your bottle is coming, but when we change it up and you aren't at home, you just don't know when that bottle will come.  Getting rid of these last two bottles is going to be terrible I think. Having your nose wiped. Having your diaper changed.  Leaving Wally outside when we get home from daycare during the week.  Having mommy or daddy put you down while we make dinner.

Biggest Achievement This Month:  Taking your first steps!  You do pretty well now.  You are walking like a zombie though to keep your balance :)  So cute.  When we were out shopping and daddy was taking forever, I had to get you out of the stroller to keep you occupied and you wanted nothing to do with being held.  You preferred to walk all around the men's department.  And you didn't care where you were going or who was in your way.  Does that mean I lost the bet and owe Grandpa Corner Bar?

Biggest Challenge of the Month: Sleeping at day care.  Of course!

Secret Tricks: Redirecting you when you are upset with toys or Wally.  Walks outside.  I have no idea what we'll do when it's cold.  Flying you through the house.  This is what daddy does when you are whining while I make dinner.  I don't think you are actually super hungry but more so over tired since it always happens on weekdays.

Sleep: You still take your last bottle at 7:30pm and are down by 8pm. You are then down for the night until about 7am. The weekend we were home for Nana's birthday, you slept until 8am both days.  I didn't know what to do with myself!  Your naps at daycare are about 40 minutes in length. At home, you nap much better and they last almost 2 hours still. You still nap on the way home from daycare if your naps during the day weren't good.  I usually let you sleep in the car (with the windows down) for a little bit when we get home.  

Temperament/Personality:  You are starting to be able to play independently a little longer now.  I can leave you in your crib or in your room with books and you'll sit pretty well for quite sometime just reading to yourself (you'll make Nana proud!).  Weeknights right before dinner are hard on you when we are trying to get dinner around.  But then you light right up again once you are done.  

You've started doing the cutest things at dinner and it's so hard not to laugh.  First, you pick up certain pieces of food (and I can't figure out why they are chosen) and put them from your tray back on the table.  Sometimes you'll eat them if I put them back on your tray.  And you don't do it with a lot of food, just a few select pieces.  Then, when you are finished, you start smearing the remaining food all over your tray.  This means that quite a bit ends up on the floor for Wally.  We are trying to teach you not to do this.  But you just think it's even more funny when we gently but firmly tell you no and stop you.  I literally have to get up sometimes so that I don't laugh in front of you.  Thank goodness for wood floors and a dog who is a vacuum swifter.

You still do really well eating out (knock on wood).  We've gotten pretty good at knowing when you are having an "off" day and it's just not worth the fight.  But you are great most weekends and get everyone around you smiling and chatting with you.

Having us help you walk is now your preferred mode of travel.  You've gotten really good and turning your arms to guide us where you want to go.  And you hold on to our fingers for dear life.  Mine usually turn purple if we go for a long walk.

Eating:  You are down to 2 bottles now.  You have one 6 oz. bottle when you wake up and one when you go to bed.  Then you have two sippy's with milk in them.  For now, I've been trying to keep track of your milk intake since I'm not sure you are eating enough solids, but you are getting better and better so I don't think I'll have to worry much longer.  

You are exclusively on milk now.  We transitioned at the start of this month (4 oz formula, 2 oz milk then 2 oz. formula, 4 oz. milk).  You did really well with no issues.  It's so nice to just pour the milk into a bottle/cup rather than worrying about mixing and shaking.  

Your solids are getting better and better.  Your list of likes is getting longer.  I basically have a rotation you eat over and over.  I make sure to give you a taste of everything but stick with what works to make sure you eat.

Foods you love: bananas, peaches, pancakes, egg yokes, nutri grain bars, veggie straws, gold fish, yogurt, quesadillas, ravioli, pasta, Beeba's mac and cheese, bagels and sweet potato wedges.  You tolerate pears and sandwiches with cream cheese and jelly.

Randoms: All 12 and 18 month clothes.  The size 12's just fit now.  You are in all size 4 diapers (day and night).   

Milestones:  You can walk with your toys. You've taken a few steps on your own.  You have 6 teeth.  You can walk!!!

You are talking more and more.  You FINALLY say "Momma".  But it sounds like you say "no" but it's clear you have no idea what it means since you say it when you mean yes and no.  You can say "yeah" again not the right context all the time.  But your sounds are exploding.  I do think you can say dog though and actually mean it.  Who would have thought?

Happy one year little girl.  You've truly made the last year the best year.  I can't wait to see what year two has in store.  Love you!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Awkward School Photos…Already?

I never thought that at just under 12 months, Zoe would already have that awkward school photo.  You know the ones with the terrible backgrounds, terrible hair, or an outfit that your mom swears you picked out even though it looks HORRIBLE.  I'm pretty sure the only thing that would make these better would be the laser background from back in the day (you know the one).

Of course, we had to buy a few.  I have a feeling we'll get sucked in every year….

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Birthday Party!

With Zoe's birthday so close to the October 15 work deadline, I knew I should start thinking about her party well in advance of the actual date.  We talked about themes and decided on fall and splashes of pink.

I found Simply Adorable Gifts on Etsy and she made the adorable onesie.  She was so great to work with and the quality is great as well.  I made the tutu for almost nothing (tulle is so cheap!).  And the leggings are from Carters that my mom and I found when we bought her a Halloween outfit.

I painstakingly made the wreath.  I've made one other for Christmas and I love how they turn out, but I hate having to wrap them.  It takes forever.  But I'm glad I did it.  This can be used all fall.

I got the tissue paper poof idea from Pinterest.  I did these for my sister-in-law's baby shower and loved how they turned out.

The other fall decoration ideas came from Pinterest as well.  We also made a picture banner from months 1-12 that I don't have a good picture of.

I have so so many Pinterest recipes pinned, but I knew I just wouldn't have time with the party being on Saturday and me having to work all week.  So we went with simple.  We had Jimmy Johns sandwiches, veggies and dip, a few other dips from Pinterest, and various deserts.  Delicious!  And a huge thank you to everyone who helped with the food.  And thank you to my brother who was a major help on Friday and wasn't able to stay and enjoy :)

Even though my sister couldn't make it into town, she still joined in the festivities on Friday night.  Gotta love technology!

To say Zoe had fun smashing her cake is an understatement.  I found an idea on Pinterest to make a pumpkin cake out of two bunt takes.  I then cut the stem off of one of our real pumpkins, and voila!  A pumpkin cake.

The day of her party was perfect.  While I would have preferred for it to be warmer, I think we're in for many more cold birthdays for Miss Zoe.  So many family members made the drive over to celebrate.  It meant so much to have family and friends there to celebrate.  This little girl is definitely loved.  

Happy birthday!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy Birthday My Sweet Baby Girl

Dear Zoe,

I can't believe we've already made it to your one year birthday.  I still remember the day before you were born so clearly.  Daddy made me take a few "maternity" pictures even though I was not feeling up to it at all.  Later that night, we went out with friends for dinner and to watch part of the Tigers game.  Early the next morning, I started waking up every hour realizing that this might actually be it.  

Less than 12 hours later, you made your appearance into this world.  Mommy and daddy got to meet their little girl.  While I obviously just wanted a happy, healthy baby, mommy was so so happy to hear them say "It's a girl!"  Throughout the entire time you were growing strong inside mommy, I pictured pink, pink, and more pink.  Those little girl outfits are just so darn cute (and they get my in trouble every time I shop - gone are the days of buying for myself).

Things may have started out a little rocky, but we finally hit our stride.  And sweety, you light up my life.  You are my heart and I love you so so much.  Watching you grow and learn is so much fun.  Sometimes I think people who don't have kids look at us and see all of the things we are missing out on by being constrained to schedules and bedtimes and trying to get a babysitter.  But I don't see that at all.  I see a little person who was so tiny and fragile 12 months ago and is now a babbling, giggly, crazy little girl.  Those bedtimes that we are stuck with mean bathtimes that create tidal waves of water outside of the tub and the loudest giggles from both you and mommy.  Has my life changed?  Obviously.  Did I have to say goodbye to parts of the old me?  Yes.  But I would not trade anything at all for what I have now.  Some days are hard.  Sometimes we both get frusterated.  But your smile, the way you say "momma" with your arms outstretched, and your giggles erase every piece of unrest.

This has truly been the most amazing year of my life.  I can't wait to see what year two has in store.  But let's try to slow down a little :)

Love you baby girl,

Friday, October 18, 2013

Stopped in Action

I feel like every child has that picture.  You know the one where they are in the bathroom surrounded by mounds of toilet paper?  Well, Zoe tried.  But Beeba stopped her before she was able to get too far.  Don't worry Zoe, I'm sure you'll have your real moment.

Top left to right:  Oh Beeba, can I come play while you get ready?
Hmmm...what's in this cupboard?
Mom, is it ok if I go in here?
Oooohhhh, toilet paper.
Let's see how it tastes.  And Beeba took it back.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Nana!

I am waaaayyyy behind on posts so this one is definitely a little late.  

We were able to be home this year for Nana's birthday and we all had so much fun!  Nana and Grandpa got Zoe a few gifts during their travels in September.  Her current favorite is her Sophie color book.  Zoe loves all things Sophie the giraffe and they just happened to find a book all about Sophie and her friends and colors!  I think I've read it about a thousand times already...and Aaron reminds me every time that I do a terrible time pronouncing half the names.  Seriously though, how do you pronounce "Lazare?"  I do my best :)

We were able to ride in the wagon which Zoe loved.  And she had no fear even though there were no sides.  She's a dare devil.  

Happy birthday Nana!  We are so glad we could celebrate with you!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Zoe Louise | 11 Months

Stats: No check up until one year.  

Likes: Still bugging Wally.  Wally's toys.  Bath time and being a rebel and standing in the bath.  Walks.  Playing chase around the house.  Dancing.  Pretend falling.  Reading books.  You actually get books now and come sit on my lap for me to read them to you.  I love when you want me to hold you even if it only lasts for short amounts of time now that you are a "big" girl.  Opening and closing doors.  In the mornings, you'll close the door to your room on me and I'll ask, "where's Zoe?" and open the door and you have the biggest grin.  Repeat, repeat, repeat :)  I love it and so do you!

Dislikes: Getting ready for bed. Having your nose wiped. Having your diaper changed.  Leaving Wally outside when we get home from daycare during the week.

Biggest Achievement This Month:  Standing on your own for quite a bit of time.  Going on your first plane ride and having 4 total.  You were an awesome traveler!

Biggest Challenge of the Month: Sleeping at day care.  Of course!

Secret Tricks: Redirecting you when you are upset with toys or Wally.  Walks outside.  I have no idea what we'll do when it's cold.

Sleep: You still take your last bottle at 7:30pm and are down by 8pm. You are then down for the night until about 6:30am or 7am. Your naps at daycare are about 40 minutes in length. At home, you nap much better and they last almost 2 hours still. You still nap on the way home from daycare if your naps during the day weren't good.  I usually let you sleep in the car (with the windows down) for a little bit when we get home.  

Temperament/Personality:  You really are so much fun.  Aunt Jodi is always talking about how you have the best personality and we tend to agree (although we might be biased).  You've started to realize what you are and aren't supposed to do.  If you are feeling really mischievous, you make a beeline for Wally's dishes.  I know that you know exactly what you are doing.  You look right at me, get a gleam in your eye and grin on your face and reach your hand in the water.  I know that eventually you'll understand when we tell you "no" or to stop.  But right now, it's so so hard not to laugh and giggle with you because it's so darn cute.  But I do my best to hide the grin be firm.  I know consistency will be the key to making you understand.

You do have your drama queen moments. You definitely have a fake cry and whine when something doesn't go your way.  You hate we go inside and Wally stays in the backyard.  You hate when I put you down to make dinner.  That's when your whine/drama cry shine through the most.  Right now, I find if pretty funny and have to try so hard not to laugh.

Eating:  Still 4 bottles. You are taking 6 oz. Right now your schedule is bottle when wake up, solids at 8:30am (breakfast), solids at 11:30 am (lunch), bottle around 1pm, bottle around 4pm, solids at 6ish pm (dinner), bottle before bed.  We are starting to replace one bottle a day with your sippy.  We'll see how that goes.  You are great with it for water.  And I'm assuming you'll guzzle it all the more when you have formula in since that stuff is like gold to you.

Your solids are getting better and better.

Foods you love: bananas, peaches, pancakes, egg yokes, nutri grain bars, veggie straws, gold fish, yogurt and sweet potato wedges.  You are starting to eat more pasta.  We tried quesadillas when daddy was out of town and you seemed to really like them.  I'll have to add them to the rotation.  You tolerate pears and sandwiches with cream cheese and jelly.

Randoms: All 12 month clothes.  You are in all size 4 diapers (day and night).   We bought you your first two pairs of real shoes!  And who knew they could be so expensive.  I'm hoping they'll last for a few months.  But I know right now, it's important for your little feet to have good shoes so we'll stick with Stride Rite for now.

Milestones:  You can walk with your toys. You are getting pretty good at turning them around when you get stuck too.  Still no real walking on your own yet.  You stand pretty well on your own.  You have 6 teeth.  I think you must be getting another because you've been gnawing on your fingers on one side of your mouth.

You are getting a lot better with "talking."  Still no real words other than Dada that I can make out.  I still don't think you know what dada means but you'll get there.  Now if only you'd say "mama."  Sometimes I feel like I sound like a broken record saying it to you :)  You make so many new noises though this month.  Squeaking, growling, etc.

You just more fun every day!  Mommy and daddy love you Zo Zo :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Work/Life Balance...Is Hard

First, my company is awesome at helping with this.  Just wanted to throw that disclaimer out there since I'm friends with co-workers on FB :)

Going back to work was hard.  After spending 6 full months with Zoe, I didn't want to leave her.  Did I need a break once in a while for just "me" time?  Yes.  But did I want 40+ hours away from her?  No, if I'm being honest.  I realize I was extremely fortunate to have those full 6 months and still have a job to go back to.  We had a lot of saving to do before my maternity leave, but it was so worth it in the end.  We made it through the colic and anxiety (me not Zoe), got through to the "happy" side :), and still had a few months to enjoy. 

Six months into this journey, I had to go back.  Staying at home wasn't an option for us.  And I do believe that interaction with other kids and adults is good for her (or maybe I tell myself that because I can't stay at home...).  Thankfully, my work has a Tailored Work Arrangement program for parents and I was given free reign on what I could do.  You may think, "that's great!"  Except, how do you pick something when you have so many choices and have no idea what will work for you?  I was overwhelmed to say the least.  I talked to several women partners and associates who either are currently doing a TWA or did one in the past to get some ideas.  And most of them have done several different things.  I kind of pieced together what I thought would work for me and came up with my new arrangement.

I've reduced my hours to just over 43 a week (yes, in the accounting world, 40 hours is not a standard work week - although is it anywhere anymore?).  It came with it's consequences but getting to see Zoe before work, pick her up from daycare, and work from home on Fridays has been very much worth it. 

It took a while, but we finally got into our new "normal."  I have my schedule down pretty well for cleaning and laundry and grocery shopping.  Zoe is in bed by 7:30-8pm so that leaves plenty of time in the evenings to get other random stuff done as well.  I just have to make sure to soak up every ounce of those 2 hours we have after work before she goes to bed.  She's 11 months old and crazy as can be - crawling everywhere, wanting to walk but needing help, eating her favorite foods like a champ, throwing her toys everywhere, reading her books OVER and OVER and OVER (I have Llama Llama memorized), talking in her own language and sometimes using her demon voice as Aaron has dubbed it.  Running around with her can be exhausting, but it's SO MUCH FUN.  I get to relive my childhood through her and actually remember it all :)

We're now in the heart of our busy season which has had it's challenges.  I can't stay late just any day anymore.  I have to coordinate with Aaron to make sure it works in his schedule.  And since I can't do it often, I try to make those days count which means I'm staying until after 8pm.  Which means I don't get to see Zoe.  So far, I've only been doing it one night a week so it's doable.  But I miss her.  And it makes for a busy night when I get home trying to eat, and get things around for the next day and get to bed at a decent time since I'm up at 6am.  And throw in that I'm now trying to squeeze in a few hours when I'm home either when Zoe's in bed for the night or napping on the weekends makes for one tired mamma. 

Is it October 15 yet?  I keep joking with everyone that for better or worse, we have less than 15 days left.  That's what I keep telling myself.

And because no post is right without a picture of Zoe...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Go Tigers!

Zoe attended her FIRST Tigers game this year.  Beeba is OBSESSED with the Tigers (that might be an understatement) so they of course had to make sure to be there for the big day :) 

Zoe had her first snack before mommy even got her nachos!

It was the last home game of the season so only standing room tickets were available.  It ended up being perfect for Zoe.  She could stand and play when she got sick of being held.  We could walk around at anytime without having to make people get up out of their seats for us.  She could stroll around in her stroller when she needed a nap and we could leave her there once she finally fell asleep.

I'm a little bummed that we didn't get a picture of all of us at the front of the stadium by the Tigers statue, but I'm sure there will be many more Tigers games in her future.  We'll just have to make sure that Beeba and Grandpa come out earlier  in the season next year!

What dad?  I'm just standing here playing with my toys.

FINALLY taking her afternoon nap.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

We Made It!

And of course, I worried for nothing.  Zoe was AMAZING.

We started off early Thursday morning.  Zoe was a little cranky in the car but soon enough was chatting away with Beeba.  Zoe decided to check out the planes for a little while before we took off.  We were a sight to be seen though.  I had so much stuff.  Thank goodness my parents were there to help.  I'm really bummed we didn't get a picture of our getup as we went through the airport.  Mom had Zoe and her c-pap machine.  Dad had two carry on bags.  I had Zoe's car seat on my back, her diaper bag over my shoulder, a carry on and then her stroller bag (when she wasn't in it).  I'm pretty sure I hit about ten people on accident with the car seat bag (it was HUGE).  It was very convenient though, and I'm glad we had it.

Zoe was only somewhat intrigued when got on the plane.  She was much more interested in playing with the TV on the back of the seats.  She did sit with Grandpa for a little while watching as we got ready to take off.  On her second flight, she even got her own seat.  The Delta staff were nice enough to rearrange our seats before we even asked since there were open seats and they saw that we had a baby in our group.

We got to Colorado and all piled into Auntie Jodi's Chevy Cobalt.  Somehow, almost everything fit in the trunk.  Beeba had the stroller at her feet and I had the diaper bag (I'm not sure how I got the front).

The weekend was filled family time, laughs, and trying to wrangle a 10 month old :)  I wouldn't have had it any other way.
Playing with Uncle Mark, playing cards, snuggles with Lambie, playing Guesstures.

Rafting, first taste of Olive Garden, frisbee from Scott, tuckered out after shopping.

Hanging with Aunt Jodi, at the airport way too early, enjoying her first taste of McD's pancakes, taking a snooze.
We can't wait for next year when we are ALL out there for the wedding!