I'm really excited about being 4 months old!! |
Oh, could I hold your hand please? |
Four months, FOUR months! How am I even writing this post already? I went over to our neighbor's to drop something off and she made a comment how you were almost three months already. I had to correct her and we both were talking about how fast it's going by! Grandpa is amazed how much you've changed since Christmas. Your temperament is just so much better. You have your moments, but you are definitely a completely different baby from when we stayed with them just months ago :)
Stats: 14 lbs and 14 oz (60th percentile...we thought for sure she'd be higher based on her thighs :) ). 24.5 inches long (50th percentile). Her head is 16.5 inches around (still in the 90th percentile..she has a HUGE head).
Likes: Swaddled to sleep. Eating. White noise CD. Bath time. Your mobile. You now are noticing your artwork above your crib. You usually wake up in the morning and sit and chat away with the animals until I come get you. You love facing outward when we are holding you. TV. Mr. Hungry Caterpillar. Daddy's crazy songs. Number one on the charts right now is "I'm Getting Ready for Bed You Guys." Add a head bobble while singing and you smile pretty much on queue :) You also love your hands. And other peoples as well. You'll take a pacifier, but nothing compares to hands :)
Dislikes: Being burped during/after your bottle. Being overtired.
Biggest Achievement This Month: Going to bed around 7:30-8 or shortly after.
Biggest Challenge of the Month: The 45 nap intruder is definitely here and not going away. Thankfully, Kate gave us some great tips! I still wish you'd just keep sleeping through. I hate hearing those cries. Half the time when I go in to check on you, your eyes are closed tight so it's almost like you are crying in your sleep.
Secret Tricks: Changing activities is key! It's always a dance of trying to figure out just what you want to be doing. Play on your play mat? Sit in your bouncy? Be held? Being helped to "walk" around? Read a book? Play with your ball? The possibilities are endless. I guess it keeps us busy during the few hours you are up in between naps :)
Sleep: You now take your last bottle between 7:30 and 8pm. You are then down for the night until anywhere from 7-8am. You now take 3 naps during the day. Two long ones that are around 2 hours or a little more and then a short catnap from about 5-6pm.
Temperament/Personality: I definitely think you are going to have your stubborn moments. I can already see your independent side coming through. You aren't much of a snuggler anymore. You much prefer to be standing or "walking" along on the ground. You'll usually snuggle in the morning after breakfast, so some days we don't get started on our day for a while. I need to make sure I take advantage of those snuggles while they last :)
Eating: You've been down to 5 feedings pretty consistently now. You take 5ish (sometimes 4.5, sometimes 5, sometimes 5.5) oz when you take a bottle. I still nurse twice in the mornings and pump two times. You now get only one formula bottle. We still have a ton in the freezer. I'm thinking we just might make it to 6 months! Or at least 5 for sure. This is so much longer than I thought we'd make it. You also sometimes try to hold your own bottle but usually just get your hands in the way :)
Randoms: You are now in pretty much all 6 month clothes. You have one three month outfit that still fits, but that's it. You are in size 2 diapers exclusively now. And I'm getting a little nervous. Some of your 6 months clothes just now fit - or at least the ones that have feet. You either need to stop growing, or spring needs to arrive sooner rather than later or you will be wearing shorts when it's still winter out. I have a feeling we're going to have this problem every season. My guess is that we are going to need 9 and 12 months summer clothes for you. I guess that just means mommy gets to shop more for those cute little clothes :)
Milestones: You love to "walk" with our help. You've been able to move one foot in front of the other for a while now but you want to do it ALL OF THE TIME now. Maybe you'll just skip crawling and move right to walking in a few months :)
You try really hard to roll from back to front. I usually put a toy to the side and you try so hard to roll over to get to it. I know it's a whole new ball game once you can do this though.
You found your hair this month. It is so adorable watching you play with the top of your head. Beeba and I had fun giggling at you and cheering you on.
You also started sucking on your bottom lip and don't mind being on your tummy.
Drool...LOTS of it. Dr. Butry said your salivary glands are developing now and you don't quite know how to swallow your spit right now so that's the cause. Apparently no teeth yet :)
Outings: We've had a big month! We came back to Rockford for my birthday. We also visited Jenny and Grace for a day. We ran errands as well. I can't wait for warmer weather. We will definitely head straight to the zoo and buy our membership :) And go for long walks in the neighborhood. Can you tell I'm ready for winter to be over??
Favorite Baby Gear: We broke out the exersaucer this month. Sometimes you love it and sometimes you hate it. I think you are frustrated that you can't touch the ground and that the toys don't come off so you can't put them in your mouth. After all the places we've been this month, I'm so glad we have the snap n' go stroller. I now have tendinitis (I am so old) in my wrist so this has been a huge help rather than lugging around you and the car seat.
I love how this picture shows all of the toys that now overtake or living room :) |
Sitting in the bumbo. This is also becoming a favorite. And this photo is just hilarious to me :) |
And now comparison shots again :)
Love you little goose!