Friday, May 22, 2015

Beckett James | Six Months

What an amazing six months we had Beckett.  I can't believe it's time to go back to work already.  I know you'll do fine.  I know that naps will probably be horrible.  I know that you'll love your teachers and make new friends.  But right now, I get to see all of your firsts.  I get to be in control and make sure you nap when you are supposed to.  I get to make you smile.  But I know from experience, it'll be ok.  We'll get into our new routine.  Weeknights will be hectic but weekends will be awesome.

Stats:  Head 17 in (43rd percentile), weight 16 lb 11 oz (31st percentile), height 26.25 in (30th percentile).  Your head and height are tracking consistently but you've bumped up in the weight (were in the 18th 3 months ago).  I attribute that to your decrease in spitting up.  And I love the little chunk you are finally getting on your thighs!

Likes:  Swaddled.  We tried to eliminate this this month, but it went horribly so we gave up and decided to try again in a few weeks.  White noise.  Mr. Monkey that Nana and Grandpa got you for Easter.  Watching Zoe's dance parties.  Paci.  Having Zoe hop like a bunny toward you.

Dislikes:  Loud noises…You scare VERY easily.  Being overtired.  Being left alone.  You like to be sitting by yourself, but you need to be able to see people.  You are content for a few minutes while I run around to get laundry done, etc.  but it doesn't last very long.  

Biggest Achievement This Month:  I think we've broken you from your early morning bottle!   I was down to only giving you 3 oz.  I was going to go down to 2 oz. one morning, but you woke at a weird time so I just gave you your paci.  You fell back asleep!  Granted, you are sleeping all the way until 7am like I'd prefer, but you at least just need your paci which is much faster then making and giving you your bottle.  Yay!

Biggest Challenge This Month:  Trying to get rid of the swaddle.  Thankfully, I called daycare and they will swaddle you there.  I tried for about a week and you were just MISERABLE.  Like screaming for 20 minutes.  I have no problem crying it out, but I can tell when you are going to calm down and when you are past the point of being ok.  And you only soothed yourself back to sleep once.  You'd sleep for 20-30 minutes max, jerk yourself awake and then scream the rest of the nap.  You were taking 1.5-2.5 hour naps consistently so I decided you probably just weren't ready yet.  We'll get there!

Sleep: Down for the night around 7:30pm.  You'd probably go to sleep earlier.  You then wake around 5am for your paci.  Then sometimes sleep until 6:45am straight or we have to give you your paci again.  We are working on it.  Your naps are at 8:45/9am, 12:30/1pm, and 4:30/5pm.  Your first two naps are anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours.  Your last nap is usually only 45 minutes unless one of your first two naps were shorter, then you'll sleep longer.

Temperament/Personality:  So easy going!  You are starting to need a little more entertainment, but you are very content for the most part.  Zoe provides all the entertainment you need on the days she is home :)  It's a little trickier on days she has school (our house is getting a little boring!).  Thankfully, the weather is FINALLY warmer so we've been taking walks and playing outside.

I told school yesterday that they just need to bring Zoe into the infant room if you are ever super fussy.  You should light right up!  Seeing you two together is just precious.  She MUST give you a hug and kiss every morning before she leaves for school.  She never forgets and gets very upset if daddy tries to get her out the door before she's said goodbye to you.  She also has to do the same every night before she goes to bed. 

Eating:  You are still taking 5.5-6 oz.  You take bottles at 7:00am, 10:30/11:15am, 2:30/3:30pm, 5/5:30pm, 7:30pm.  The exact times depend on how long your naps are.  I usually try to make sure you've slept at least 2 hours and then I'll let you go 15-30 minutes longer.

You now LOVE your cereal.  We are at twice a day now.  8am and lunch time...11:30 or 12.  We also introduced sweet potatoes.  So obvious that you are the second child as we are *breaking* the rules a little bit and feeding you real food a few days early.  You loved the sweet potatoes.  Our fingers are crossed that you'll eat something green unlike your sister :)

Randoms:  All size 6 month clothes.  Some of these are getting a little tight!  You may get to wear your FL clothes for a little bit.  Still in size 2 diapers.  Although, I have you in size 3 for nighttime since you are close to leaking out of size 2 now that you are sleeping through the night.

Milestones:  You still are really trying to roll from your back to your belly but you aren't there yet.  Still no teeth.  You chomp away on your hands but there is nothing there when I feel your gums.  I do see a little something on the bottom so I'm wondering if you have one working on poking through.

We love you so much little man!  You are the perfect addition to our crazy, hectic life :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh Mr. Beckett you are getting so handsome and I love your smile!! It is so much fun watching you discover things like your feet, holding toys, and smiling. Love face timing with you and ZoZo. Many more milestones to come. Love Beeba
